Observations at the Haute-Provence Observatory
I had the amazing opportunity to spend a week at the Haute-Provence Observatory and use the T120 telescope. Alongside X. Corap, we delved into Fritz Zwicky's work, aiming to replicate the results that revealed the "missing mass" problem within galaxy clusters. We took visible-light images of the Coma Cluster with the T120 telescope and then utilized post-processing techniques to estimate the cluster's luminous mass, comparing it to its virial mass. Throughout the week, we gained valuable experience in operating a telescope of this scale and learned how to post-process astronomical images. The experience was immensely enriching, particularly due to the historical significance of this cluster.

Coma cluster, Credits : Xavier Corap and Anna Preto, T120, Haute-Provence Observatory
03:13 AM: Fatigue is setting in at the Haute-Provence Observatory

preto.anna at hotmail.com
+33 6 06 74 40 99
© Anna Preto, 2024