Hello and welcome! My name is Anna Preto and I am a second-year master's student at the Paris Observatory. I am currently working at CEA under the supervision of Dr. Camila Correa. My current research project aims to understand the dependence of dark matter content inside galaxies as a function of galaxy properties and to constrain the cross-section of dark matter particles under Self-Interacting Dark Matter cosmology.
My research interests include galaxy evolution and formation, interactions within galaxy clusters and during galaxy collisions, compact objects, the development and analysis of cosmological simulations, theoretical cosmology, machine learning and its applications in astrophysics, and the study of dark matter and alternative theories of gravity.
This website reflects my academic journey and my personal interests, providing insight into my other interests that are often absent from a simple CV but are nonetheless a significant part of my personality.
So, I invite you to explore this site and dive into my universe! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.
About me

preto.anna at hotmail.com
+33 6 06 74 40 99
© Anna Preto, 2024